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NZ Broadband Providers

Compare broadband providers at Canstar Blue.

Canstar Blue’s latest review of NZ broadband providers compares NOW, 2degrees, Bigpipe, Contact, MyRepublic, Nova Energy, Orcon, Slingshot, Spark, Trustpower and Vodafone, and awards the best our 5-Star rating.

Each broadband provider is rated by Kiwi consumers and scored on: Overall Satisfaction, Bill Clarity, Clarity of Contract Terms, Customer Service, Flexibility of Contract, Network Performance and Value for Money.

Click here for our latest broadband provider ratings.

For more details on the internet providers covered in our ratings and the plans they offer, click on the individual providers below:


2degrees Orcon
Bigpipe Skinny
Contact Slingshot
MyRepublic Spark
Nova Trustpower
Now Vodafone