If you’re into streaming and have never heard of JustWatch, here’s a quick heads-up. JustWatch is a streaming guide that collates all the big players, meaning you don’t have to individually access each streaming service to find what you’re after.
For instance, type in the name of a show or movie, and JustWatch will list and provide links to all the platforms on which you can stream, rent or buy the show/movie. You can even filter by best price (including whether it’s available for free), and availability in SD, HD or 4K resolution.
→ Related article: What is JustWatch – the Free Streaming Guide?
Of course, as JustWatch is across all the main streaming services in NZ, it knows what we’re watching. And it’s just released its latest viewing figures, which reveal that while Netflix still tops the streaming charts, Disney + is hot on its heels.
Disney+ streaming service is on the rise
In the second quarter of this year, Disney+ managed to gain a 1% lead over Neon to become the third-largest streaming service in New Zealand. Prime Video sits in second, trailing market leader Netflix by 6%. Free service TVNZ remains the smallest player, at 6%.

Market growth
Prime Video, Disney+, and TVNZ each gained 1% throughout Q2. This growth clearly has had a direct impact on both Netflix and Neon, which each fell 1% during the same period.

Stream with the best broadband
If you want to watch streaming TV, an ultra-fast broadband plan is essential. And if you want to know more about the best providers in the market, Canstar can help.
To help you get a clearer picture of broadband providers in NZ, Canstar Blue rates all the big providers annually. We survey thousands of broadband customers and ask them to score their providers across categories including Value for Money, Network Performance and Customer Service.
Canstar Blue’s latest review of NZ internet providers compares NOW, 2degrees, Bigpipe, Contact, MyRepublic, Nova Energy, Orcon, Slingshot, Spark, Stuff Fibre, Trustpower and Vodafone, and awards the best our 5 Star rating:
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Canstar Blue NZ research finalised in May 2024, published in June 2024.
See Our Ratings Methodology
The table above is an abridged version of our full research, so to find out more about NZ’s best broadband providers, just click on the big button at the bottom of this story.
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